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THM - Road Writeup

Posted on:30 August 2023 at 07:18 am


real world pentesting engagement, the room is all about web server compromise of admin account by resetting the password and gaining initial access. The privesc vector is about internal database services and envrionment variable
before any further ado, lets jump in!

Table of Contents

Open Table of Contents


As always, we’ll start off with nmap as our initial reconn to see what ports are open

sudo nmap -sC -sV -oN road.nmap [IP)




webserver (port 80)

Let’s check the website Test Lets run gobuster to enumerate directories


gobuster dir -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-directories.txt -u -o road.gobuster -x html,js


Several interesting directories, lets check phpMyAdmin



back to the website

Track order doesnt work Test

Scrolling down the page we see a domain skycouriers.thm we add that to our etc/hosts Now, lets check what the merchant page is about.

merchant page

Test we registered with a sample email and logging in we are presented with a merchant dashboard, out of which only edit profile and reset password works Test

going to the profile section we see avatar change functionality is only available to admin Test which is a information disclosure, let’s take advantage of this Test

admin account compromise

To compromise the admin account, we can leverage the ResetUser functionality, the following steps could be taken:

and we can log in as admin Test

now my next thought is to get a rev shell somewhere and im thinking its in profile image, i tried different things to know where the image is going, i checked in /assets/img and no luck. then i went to see the source code and we see a comment linking to a profileimages Test so we now know where the image is going, lets upload a reverse shell and get our initial foothold, since its an admin account there’s no validation whether its an image or php application.

Initial foothold

uploading a simple php reverse shell and navigating to /v2/profileimages/{revshell}.php we get a shell Test

lets stabilize the shell and look at available shell

cat /etc/passwd | grep bash

Test there are two users, now remember phpmyadmin? it errored out saying cant connect to admin@localhost, maybe theres a local instance running?



lets try mysql command line Test


lets ssh in with webdeveloper Test and we get user.txt


Remember mysql? in lostpassword.php theres user:pass for mysql and we can use it connect and get the password of admin@sky.thm


Lets select everything from Users table Test


Usually, my first step for escalating privilege is to check sudo permission, we can do that using
sudo -l gives us Test

interesting bit here is the LD_PRELOAD and binary /usr/bin/sky_backup_utility

LD_PRELOAD overview

The **_LD_PRELOAD_ trick is a useful technique to influence the linkage of shared libraries and the resolution of symbols (functions) at runtime.** To explain _LD_PRELOAD_, let’s first discuss a bit about libraries in the Linux system.

In brief, a library is a collection of compiled functions. We can make use of these functions in our programs without rewriting the same functionality. This can be achieved by either including the library code in our program ([static library)( or by linking dynamically at runtime ([shared library)(

Using static libraries, we can build standalone programs. On the other hand, programs built with a shared library require runtime linker/loader support. For this reason, **before executing a program, all required symbols are loaded and the program is prepared for execution**.

so basically, its loading any linker/loader .so that is available before executing the backup

LD_PRELOAD privesc

Beyond root

Source Code analysis

        $username = $_POST['uname');
        $password = $_POST['npass');
        $c_password = $_POST['cpass');
        $sql = "UPDATE Users SET password = '$password' WHERE username = '$username'";
        $query = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
        $row = mysqli_num_rows($query);
                if($password == $c_password){
                        echo "Password changed. \nTaking you back...";
                        echo "Password change unsuccessful. \nTaking you back...";
        echo "Internal Server Error![Test](/assets/road_ss/

Theres no input sanization and no validation whatsoever.

if (isset($_POST['submit'))){
        if ($_COOKIE['cu')=='1'){
                $file_name = $_FILES['pimage')['name');
                $file_type = $_FILES['pimage')['type');
                $file_size = $_FILES['pimage')['size');
                $file_temp_loc = $_FILES['pimage')['tmp_name');
                $file_store = "profileimages/".$file_name;
                if (move_uploaded_file($file_temp_loc, $file_store))
                        echo "Image saved.";
                        echo "Image cannot be uploaded![Test](/assets/road_ss/

Again, theres no sanization and validation whatsover, it doesnt check if its an image or malicious php file.

Thanks for reading!

reference links